Thursday, June 6, 2013

Need some distraction?

Last weekend we spent 3 glorious days in magnificent Yellowstone, I want to tell you all kinds of things about it. In the meantime, I'll share some links I've enjoyed these past few days. You enjoy that while I come to terms with the fact that it's too late to for us to become park rangers when we grow up.

Photos of children from around the world with their most Prized Possessions.

My favorite, The Everywhereist, asks if it's selfish to blog about travel when things are shitty in the world.

Just everything about Bright Continent.

Dreaming about a kitchen like this.

Convos with my 2 year old. I know you've probably seen it, but have you seen part 2?

Oceans (where feet my fail) is still playing on repeat around here.

I'm still working on my DIY braided rug. I love braiding so much I might make the biggest rug ever.

That's all for now, I'll be back with stories of a place where the stones are of yellow orientation.

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