Tuesday, August 20, 2013

We drive through Forks WA...

...and couldn't find Katniss anywhere. (laughs at own nerd joke)

We drove through the town twice, which is not something I'd usually blog about, I also know that limits my tips and sights to share here. But, you guys! It's where Bella and Edward live! I wish I didn't know that, but I do.

The town is of course a major tourist attraction to fans of the popular Twilight books and movies.

We are not these fans, but we did find the tourist attraction to be a tourist attraction in itself. These were just a few photos I snapped as we drove through and stopped at the tourist information center.

What we learned and noticed was the following:
-The sun does shine sometimes.
-This doesn't make it easier to spot sparkly people.
-Finding a motel on a late Saturday afternoon in high season is hard.
-There are several Twilight tours available.
-If you're a female between the ages of 14-35 you're assumed to be there because of the books.
(especially if you pose in front of the 'Welcome to Forks' sign like a dork.)
-The small town of Forks had to build extra bathroom facilities because of the influx of visitors.
-It's possible to stay in Twilight themed rooms.
-This is probably the most you'll ever talk about supernatural chick flicks with your spouse in your life. (hopefully)
-Mixing up your famous books/movies is very entertaining (see opening line).
-There are camping sites towards the beach from Forks. Thankfully!
-The forest that surrounds the town is simply breathtaking.

It actually reads "will keep the vampires away"

I was not the only young-ish female around waiting to get this picture taken...
Linking up with the lovely ladies from A compass Rose and Found Love, Now What for Travel Tuesday.

A Compass Rose


  1. OMG. is the whole town reallly Twilight obsessed, or just a few places. I dont know how I would feel if I lived there and that book series took over. ;) Not a fan of the books, but a fan of your post today. I actually enjoyed it. Thank you for linking up with Belinda and I for Travel Tuesday! I hope you link up again next week.

    Bonnie Rose | A Compass Rose

    1. I think the town is more cashing in on the amount of people that come visit because of the books. At least it's good for their tourism. I'd totally hate it too, can you imagine? Thanks for your sweet comment, I've really enjoyed the linked up, it's like a mental holiday every Tuesday, I love it :) x

  2. Really, Nice informative post for the tourists! all the photographs looking fantastic...

  3. Hello, new like from the Travel Tuesday Blog Hop. I have seen all (or most) of the movies, but I didn't realize this was the town the series was set. Liked your pictures! Now following on Bloglovin' and hope you'll check out our new travel blog as well:

